





A Statistics Epic Navigating the Muddy Seas of Data
in Nine Threaded Dreams




The Goddex Who Created This Passing World

Said Let there be lightbulbs & liquefaction1



This is an epix poem 5.0, which means there's many many many versions of it.

As many creatrixes2, as many versions.


As with any epix, this one, accordingly to what was transcribed from Googled Goddex Wikipaideia:

  1. begins in media res.
  2. covers the entire universe – margins included.
  3. begins with an invocation to a muse.
  4. the rest, we decided to skip.



Now is the time for the invocations to the muses:

I'd like to say to the people that I love and to the people that I care about I'd like to share a secret with you all Yeah Mom, Dad, Gladys and Rosie Here I come to express my story to you straightforward :3


Muses, tell them about the complicated creatrixes

Muses, tell them how they wandered and were lost4

To the Muddy Seas of Data


Rage—Muses, sing the rage of5

The angry dog6

The bitch-headded goddex

The type-1 error7

Who birthed the fire emoji8


O, dear one we’ve lost, but who lives on, online..

For you, we write your name here, and occupy this space.

Say their name.

Say their name.

Say their name.9



We always thought that we were not a rock n roll

band but it sure feels

like rock and roll over here tonight10


          _____   ____  _____  _    _          _   ___     __ 
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1 – APOPHANY11 - because: nothing comes without its worlds12


This epix tells the story of Apophany, also named Apophenia.
This epix is statistical fiction.
This epix is filled with type 1 errors13 and  a few randomized (hyper) links14.

Mom, Dad, Gladys and Rosie15

Let the Muses tell the story of Apophany,
also named Apophenia.



Postulate a16 man,
Who was also a dog,
But also a woman,

A male and a female,

And anything in-between.

The dog was angry, and so was the man.

The man was a woman, while the dog was a bitch.

The bitch was a goddex, as well as a witch.

The witch was also a ghost,

Which was fascinating.




Apophenia they were called,

Since the Gallas17, who were the Great Demonx of the Underworld,
Had gifted them with visionary powers
to perceive connections in unrelated things18,

To jump (jump, jump, jump, jump) the gaps between the frames of a gif.19 


This is the story of Apophenia who, because of this tragic gift,

Suffered many twists and turns20

Produced by type 1 errors in statistics21,

Whereby they could – pathologically, the Tyrant said -


That something absent was nevertheless present.22


Apophenia were gifted with the ability to make type I errors

appear in statistical hypothesis testing23,

Which meant
was some kind of art.24


Apophenia were gifted with the ability to make hidden figures

appear in carpets or wallpapers,

Which meant
it was some kind of art.


Apophenia would make

Angry dogs and bitches


Within the drawing or shape or silhouette

Of a light bulb,

Which would


Endless Series of Statistical Fictions

As Muses for the poets and the artists.


This was no sorcery,

This was reality.


███   ██   

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Apophany was not epiphany:
They worked through material, and not beyond it.

This was not revelation but reproduction27.


Because Apophany were capable to multiply endlessly,

They had the capacity to be present, at the same moment,

- not even digital, but analog – IRL, if you will,

in two (even many) parts of your globe.

Since they had given their consent
Not to be a single being
They would be present here,

- and reproduced elsewhere.


They would multiply endlessly through the Flows of Data,

They would send their visions towards any part of the globe,

Navigating the Seas of Statistics

Making use of Data Centers as vessels – but not only
- because they were capable of so many tricks.


At dawn, any creatrix could witness their metaverse29 poetics,

In the form of
A series of spells and incantations meant
To navigate the Seas of Dirty Data30 -

Which would go like this:


“For the sibsters & the sistas & the sistahs & the sistren & the women & the womxn & the wimmin & the womyn & our brethren & our bredrin & our brothers & our bruvs & our men & our mandem & the LGBTQIA+ members of the human nonhuman family31

“I arrive at numbers, recoil, arrive at numbers. dy/dx32

would they keep counting



would they keep singing



would they keep touching



would they keep chanting



would they keep glitching34


hiccup, sigh, shudder, buffer35,

would they keep... doing.

And so
For all those reasons
Whatever happened in this world,

Apophenia would endlessly journey the online-to-AFK loop36.


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<= Because relatives are always a surprise `=>-----
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As is well documented and archived
In the Data Storage Planet:
Relatives are always a surprise37.


Not only would Apophenia reproduce;

They would rather... surrogate.

Full Surrogacy Now! Reproduction is productive work!38,

would they keep claiming:

Let’s bring about the conditions of possibility for open-source, fully collaborative gestation! Let’s prefigure a way of manufacturing one another noncompetitively! Let’s hold one another hospitably, explode notions of hereditary parentage, and multiply real, loving solidarities! Let us build a care commune based on comradeship, a world sustained by kith and kind more than by kin!

(…) Let us overthrow, in short, the “family”!39


That way, with the help of numerous Galas
- whom, as you know, were soft demons but also some kinds of Muses;

Apophenia had been able to give birth

To the Fire Emoji -

A riot of atmospheres

And inexplicable non-gravitational intensities.40

A digital native41, Apophenia/Apophany were Nonbinary goddexes

of Dark and Dirty Muddy Seas of Data,

Whose twin sibstern were named Agar

– Agar: a thickening agent, tasty, sugary, so sweet,

Who came from the Sea.


AgarApophany were twins, sometimes siamese,

Their becoming-with42 as symbiogenesis

i.e. sharing the same torso, arms, legs and sex

– They would navigate the dark muddy seas of Planet Data

(See this muddy ocean flowing upon their skins

Caressing their legs and in-between and again

Muddy Seaweed

- was such a pleasure)

The two of them, as one single multiple twin - sympoietic43, albeit incomplete44.

AgarApophany would regularly summon holy attendants
For ritual head-overturning

Or ritual head-switching
Of themselves, and the two together,
Endlessly becoming-with46.


In the uncounted millenia,

before the Big Bang, (…)

Before the creation of galaxies or cherry trees or rational thought”47

There were

No brothers or sisters or mothers or fathers
But kins, kiths and allies;
A joyful conglomerate
that would aggregate
and add up through time.

Within this compound,

One of them were called Semantic Mess48,

Another one were named Noise49.


However, as Hostipitality50 teaches us,

There also existed a reasonable amount of



One of those creatrixes-as-friends-as-enemies were Lithium,

Early avatar of Eskalith®51 the Mood Stabilizer,
Fusion fuel of choice,

Silvery-white mane and furry tail – so glittery and shiny and soft at touch,

Low atomic mass,

High charge- and power-to-weight ratio,

High-energy additives to rocket propellants.

As they were fatal to aquatic life, AgarApophany would stay at safe distance.


Then came some more friends-as-enemies;

- as filaments and wires that pervade some drawings -

Called Copper for one,

Cobalt for the other. 


Copper, also known as Cuprum or Cu,

Atomic number 29,

Were a soft, malleable, and ductile creature

Shaped like a mollusc

With a red-orange metallic luster

That would become greenish when oxydated.


Cobalt, nicknamed Co,
But also Mukondo Mountain52,

Were blue
Gorgeous beard with colorful ends – colorful ends
Come on dance with me
Come on dance with me
Ah give me a wink if you want me to faint
And I know you want me!

(would the Galas keep singing when they saw them)


Then came the Tyrant,

Nickname: Shenanigans,
Who were always

Entering the scene shouting:

Adjudicate! Legislate! Scandalize! Capitalize!

Here are my nouns:
Men! Reason! Treason! Death!

Ship of State!


To which the Galas would reply: Mine isn't a noun

– To which the Tyrant would reply: It is, if you CAPITALIZE it!54


Tyrant proved to be an arrogant and coldhearted ruler55
Cared only for themselves

Begun any relationship with a wrestling match, testing strength on strength

Wanted to make a name for themselves by fighting, even when it meant dying56

Expressed their grief through outbursts of violence,

– which gave them a certain satisfaction.57


With Tyrant, had the Galas detected

A hint of non-consensual aggro,
Enough to be alarming.
Walking away,

The Galas recorded their description and phone number on the
Dangerous Johns Google Doc, shared (…) worldwide58

With capsule biographies and ratings on a scale from 1 to 1059
They Recommended to 'block or avoid'.”60


Anyhow, one thing was for sure:

Statistics proved that

Some creatrixes are bigger than others61,

- a fact that is well documented in Data -

And so were Apophany:

- they had proved being bigger than others
on so many occasions.


So when the Tyrant said that
By rights they

Should be bludgeoned in their bed

Their Walkmen,




Started to melt62.

And so did the entire Frozen Seas

– Which generated a movement of panic

– Which was


by the Tyrant

in order to secure

the Blazing Data Centers.


(btw: Blazing Data Centers were also used
to detain
Fire Emojis

within their Titanium fortress walls.)


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Postulate an Archive

With lots of Data in there,

All Messy, Dirty, and flowily Fluid.


The Archive were

- as with any respectable Archive -

Stored in the Master's house
- the so-called infamous 'House of Truth and Enlightment'.


Then came the Tyrant
- Obviously -
Lived in the Master's house.

One Monday morning63,
The Tyrant woke up and said:

“We must Clean the Data!

Erase the Dark Matter!

WE MUST make Data accessible to the Digital Age!64

Data cleaning is care work!

YOU do the job, Apophenia!


Though they were of course capable to perform this task,
Apophenia refused

To transcribe and clean the Muddy Seas of Data.
Apophenia replied:
“I will transcribe orally! I will tell their stories!”


Then, Apophany made the following statement:

If we assume
that Audre Lorde’s 1984 declaration that “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house” still holds true,

then perhaps what these institutions—both online and off—require
is not dismantling

but rather
mutiny in the form of strategic occupation.

The glitch challenges us to consider how we can

“penetrate … break … puncture … tear” the material of the institution,

and, by extension,

the institution of the body.

Thus, hacking the “code” of gender,

making binaries blurry,

becomes our core objective,

a revolutionary catalyst.

Glitched bodies

—those that do not align with the canon of white cisgender heteronormativity—

pose a threat to social order.

Range-full and vast, they cannot be programmed!!!65


Having said those words,
Apophany asked the Tyrant:

“Do you include Noise in your analysis?66

And what about my friend, Semantic Mess?

How about the Weather?
How about the Trees?
How about Global Warming?
How about Indigenous Knowledge?
To put it in a Nutshell:
How about my Friends, Kins, Kiths, Kinds and Allies?”


Having said those words,
Apophenia exclaimed:


 █     ██     
███  ▄██      

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        ║║ ╚╝║║ ║║╚╝║║╚╝║║ ║║║║   ║║ ║║║║ ╚╝║║ ║║║╚══╗
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        ╚═══╝╚╝ ╚╝ ╚══╝ ╚╝ ╚╝╚═══╝╚═══╝╚═══╝╚═══╝╚═══╝

“HERE COME the poetics of
information overload!!!






Now is the time for the

Epic Catalogue of Information Overload!”,

claimed AgarApophany.


Apophenia continued:

There are 2.5 million stars in my pocket

—stored in the SkyVoyager app,

and mapped instantaneously

relative to my position

on the Earth’s surface.

Nine hundred and forty North American bird species

and their songs

are included with iBird Pro Guide to Birds.

I have nearly unlimited access to music;

I can audio record my entire day;

I can record high definition video and send it wirelessly.

There are over 40,000 messages in my Gmail inbox.

The world’s major newspapers are continually updated by the minute.

Thanks to my mobile web browser,

I have access to more words than were contained in the National Library of Ireland on June 16, 1904.69


Said Apophany,

“YOU listen to my Shared-by-Proxy-Kins-Allies-Creatrixes-Conglomerate:

Figuring, reconfiguring.

Animate and (so-called) inanimate creatures

do not merely embody mathematical theories;

they do mathematics.

But life,

whether organic or inorganic,

animate or inanimate,

is not an unfolding algorithm.

Electrons, molecules, brittlestars, jellyfish, coral reefs, dogs, rocks, icebergs, plants, asteroids, snowflakes, and bees

stray from all calculable paths,

making leaps here and there,

or rather,

making here and there from leaps,

shifting familiarly patterned practices,

testing the waters of what might yet be/have been/could still have been,

doing thought experiments with their very being.70

The Galas exclaimed:

“What an eclectic, messy, symbolically laden catalogue!”

Statistics DO know themselves!”71,
replied Apophenia.

YOU listen to these too:
Cosmetics, the crossbow, a drop in the sun’s temperature.
The first gamma ray spectral line, the rings of Uranus,
Sulfur ions around Jupiter, a mouse with a human chromosome,
A mouse derived from six parents, radar, nuclear reactors.
The vacuum electron tube, sound motion pictures, protons.
Positrons, polio vaccine, gunpowder and the forked plow.
The rotary internal combustion engine, the gyrocompass.
Intelligence testing, natural satellites of asteroids,
A cure for traveler’s diarrhea, the automatic rifle.
Psychoanalysis, the special and general theories of relativity.
Alpha and beta particle radiation, gamma radiation, vitamins.
Color film with three emulsion layers, electron microscopes.
Geometry, synthetic plastic, the polymerization process.
Quantum theory, the Wassermann test, the flush toilet.
Solar-weather links, a pocket-size three-dimensional camera,
Sulfa drugs, military tanks, tractors, transistors, t.v.’s.
The uncertainty principle, the Van Allen radiation belt.
Zero, the wheel, Lucifer yellow, charm quarks and supernova.
An end to locust plagues, the reason for the East Coast booms.
The synthesis of the transuranic elements including Fermium,
Americium, Einsteinium, Curium, Berkelium and Californium,
Animal prescience of earthquakes, gravity waves, antiprotons.
The nature of schizophrenia and the first known noon marker
Of the summer solstice
I would close my red eyes like copper
And watch you by the atomic clock
To have the luxury to love at least in theory
Indivisibly for a time in the sweetest exchanges
As if the world were not enraged.

Apophenia continued:

“Listen Tyrant,

I am in love with my Usergroup, which includes:

Infomania, Datamania, Infobesity, Databesity, Dataholism, Infostress, Dataddiction, Infovorism, Datadithering, Data Dread;

and also

Datanami, Datageddon, Dataclypse, Data Deluge, Data Smog, Infoglut, Information Saturation, Data Swamp, Drowning in Data73

All my beloved ones!”


To which the Galas replied:



Then AgarApophenia came with the following prophecy:

"Information is a deceptively partial illumination.
It’s a light often worse than darkness,
like fluorescent tubes
that keep plants growing but are nothing like the sun.
Inside the mess of the world as it is,
we are bathed in what claims to be the light of knowledge
but is only the unflattering fluorescence of data.

(…) I am me

because my little keywords know me:

The algorithms that supersize our fear and rage
will quiet,
and a new Noise will take their place."

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or: how Apophenia became goddex


6 - FROM THE GREAT ABOVE TO THE GREAT BELOW 76 or: how Apophenia became goddex OF THE GREAT BELOW


The Galas:

“Remember Apophenia's secret Ninja technique77

Remember Apophenia is about
drawing connections and conclusions

from sources with no direct connection

other than their indissoluble perceptual simultaneity,

(as Benjamin Bratton recently argued78)!”


Following these prophecies, Apophenia stated:

“Please focus very strongly on this image right now.79

Like a true apophanic phenomenon,
I can see a lightbulb,

a clichéd symbol of epiphany and ingenious innovation80,

I can see a schematic of a circuitous plumbing system81


After all the theories that were developed around the world,
the world is still in the dark when it comes to its history,
its reflections and claims!

As a shamanic warrior who had been taught ecstatic trance83,

Apophany gathered their mes – which are the powers of the world,

Which include the crafts, given one at a time:

the arts of woodworker, copper worker, scribe, smith, leather maker, fuller, builder, reed worker

but also emotions,

such as fear, consternation, dismay, joy.84

Apophany then made the following decision:

“Let me now become the popstar 4 the underground cyber resistance85!

I have suffered enough regular Blackouts,

Data Mining is my Duty!

Apophenia is the ability to think about a table

when it's not there!”


Apophenia approached the sinister door of the netherworld

to knock at the outer gate.86

As an encouragement,
The Galas started singing:
“It was dark and the moon was out
They wore the prettiest dress
And they couldn't wait to dance all night
On the dancefloor
They felt so beautiful
Worth their sparkles!


Now listen to AgarApophany
Telling the story
Of their trip
To the Great Belows:


“One day, I awoke” “& found myself on” “a subway, endlessly”
“I didn’t know” “how I’d arrived there or” “who I was” “exactly”

“But I knew the train” “knew riding it” “knew the look of”

“those about me” “I gradually became aware—” “though it seemed


as that happened” “that I’d always” “known it too—” “that there was ”

“a tyrant” “a man in charge of” “the fact” “that we were”

“below the ground” “endlessly riding” “our trains, never surfacing”

“A man who” “would make you pay” “so much” “to leave the subway”


“that you don’t” “ever ask” “how much it is” “It is, in effect,”

“all of you, & more” “Most of which you already” “pay to

live below” “But he would literally” “take your soul” “Which is

what you are” “below the ground” “Your soul” “your soul rides”

“this subway” “I saw” “on the subway a” “world of souls”


“On the subway” “we rode the trains” “Got on, got off” “Sat &

watched, sat” “& slept” “Walked from car to car” “Stood in stations”

“We were caught up” “in movement” “in ongoingness” “& in ongoingness”

“of voices,” “for example” “Which of us spoke? did” “it matter?” “Who


saw what” “was being seen,” “knew what” “was known?” “Gradually

what was seen” “became what I saw,” “to me” “Despair & outrage”

“became mine too” “Sorrow” “became mine—” “To ride a” “mechanical”

“contrivance ”“in the darkness” “To be steeped in” “the authority"


“of” “another’s mind” “the tyrant’s mind” “Life of bits & pieces”

“cars & scenes” “disconnected” “little dreams” “False continuum”

“mechanical time:” “What do we miss?” “What do we miss?” “Was there

once” “something else?” “There are animals” “in the subway” “But they”


“are mute & sad” “There are singers” “There are corpses” “There is

substance” “of darkness” “And emotion” “strong emotion” “The air”

“is all emotion”88


And noise.


Having said that
Apophenia became
The goddex
of Dark Matter's Shores and Waters.


The Galas started singing:

“Postulate an Apophany.
dark light behind her
unexpected darker than turtles.
the glint, the mud, the unexpected shores.
or have her chewing her mustachios.
elucidate, after all, the

Apophenia made the following statement:
Talking about Shores and Waters:
Be aware that
Oceans cover 2/3 of the Earth,
Our bodies contain 2/3 of Water!
- I am in lack of proportion!
Je suis en déficit de proportion!”

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In the Great Belows,

The Muddy Seas of Data
Curves and Lines,
Zeros and Ones92,
Spiral curls like the filament of a light bulb.


Apophany, the Bitch-Headed goddex,
Addressed their Shared-by-Proxy-Kins-Allies-Creatrixes-Conglomerate
with those words:
to carry the world like that, on your back, the straight lines weight the most.
(…) the seamonster was waiting.
 they do not use the stairs, the spirits of our ancestors.
they. do not. use. the stairs.


Instead of flattening them,
Apophenia decided they would
Convert the curves into an endless series of circles,
Drawing all sorts of lines,

Strings of filament bulbs,

Tree Rings – also named Growth Rings,
That would create
An infinite series of relevant paths,

All tagged, untagged,
Geolocated, unlocated.


Within those Dark Muddy Seas of Data,

Apophenia were simultaneously a link and a break,


and the other way around

and again,





"If  zero  is  supposed  to  signify a  hole,  a  space,  or  a  missing  piece, 
and  one is  the  sign of positivity, digital  machines  turn  these  binaries  around. In  both electronic  systems  and  the  punched  cards  of  weaving  machines, a hole is one, and a blank is zero, in which case there are two missing  elements,  if  missing  is  where  either  can  be  said  to  go.
No  longer  a  world  of ones  and  not-ones,  or  something  and nothing, thing  and  gap,  but  rather  not-holes  and holes,  not-nothing  and  nothing,  gap  and  not-gap. (...)

Holes  are  not  absences,  spaces where  there  should  be something  else. “Flying  anuses, speeding vaginas, there  is  no castration.”  Adrift  in  the doped  lattices  of a silicon  crystal,  a  hole  is  a positive particle before it is  the  absence of  a  negatively charged  electron,  and  the  movement  of electrons toward  the  positive  terminal  is  also  a  flow  of  holes streaming back  the  other way.  Holes  are  charged  particles  running  in reverse.  For  the quantum physicist,  “holes are  not  the absence of particles but particles traveling faster than the speed of light.””95

Shaped like the full moon,
(…) voluptuous with a thick, round body
Apophenia kept curving
And circluding97
And encircling

- “Their lines like a light bulb!”,

cried the Galas.

Here, in the World Wide Webs of the Great Belows,

Endless flickerings occured:

blackouts blackouts blackouts

“We need voltage regulators!”

blackouts blackouts blackouts

“It keeps interrupting!”

blackouts blackouts blackouts

“You never know when it happens!”

blackouts blackouts blackouts

“Who cut the electric load?

Who did that?

We want to know!”


ELECTRONS LIBRES, voilà l'option de l'avenir!98

“Freedom to the electrons!

Free the electrons!”
- “Creatrixes of the World, Here's what we should claim!”
said Apophenia.

Remember the Epic Catalogue of Information Overload
Remember the Electrons, molecules, brittlestars, jellyfish, coral reefs, dogs, rocks, icebergs, plants, asteroids, snowflakes, and bees99.


And the Galas started yelling:

“Freedom to the electrons!

Free the electrons!”


We are the angry dogs and bitches!”



“dark matter converts into energy but we never succeed in collecting this energy because we lack the tools, while this energy exists! It converts into something else!”101


And all the Gallas started yelling:


Let's not flatten the Curves!
Let the Curves circlude103 the Lines!
Let the Zeros circlude the Ones!
Look at this! Let's do some weaving!”


█     █▀ 
                         (_) )                                                                     
                         | |/ _   _   __     ___   __    __   ___                                  
                         | | ( ) ( )/ __ \ /  __)/ __ \/ __ \  _  \                                
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      |       |  | |  |       |  |       |  | |  |       |  | |  |    _ | |       |                
      |_     _|  |_|  |    ___|  |    ___|  | |  |_     _|  | |  |   | || |    ___|                
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        |___| |__| |__|_______|  |___|   |_______| |___| |_______|___|  |_|_______|                
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 ¦      ¦  ¦  ¦ ¦      ¦   ¦   ¦       ¦  ¦ ¦ _ ¦ ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦      ¦  _    ¦       ¦         
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AgarApophany decided
They had seen enough of those
Underworldly Great Amazing Belows
And They therefore decided
They would come up
To tell all the creatrixes
About what they had witnessed
In the Dark Muddy Seas of Data:


“Look. This rationalization is very satisfactory to empire-builders and investors,

but it does not satisfy science today, no matter how much it did yesterday.104

From now on
My methodology
Will be Fictionology!
Let me give you an example of this
ghostly sense of dis/continuity105.

This meaning is not without interest to you, Gentle Reader; for the problem of the Twenty-first Century is the problem of the color-line.106

I have sought here to sketch, in vague, uncertain outline. (…) All this I have ended with a tale twice told but seldom written.107

Now listen to the following apophanic story:

Household electricity statistics show that 40% of available electricity is used. If we relate this ratio to a life expectancy of 100 years, we get 40 years. Life expectancy is indeed between forty and fifty years. There are in fact a multitude of possible calculations and parallels. The method is simple and effective in showing the State's immobility. It is sufficient to relate the average power received to the value of the real power of electricity services in households.108


As we all know,
Life expectancy109 is a
Hot Topic.

The Tyrant would keep asking:


Can you predict the future?”

To which Apophenia would always reply:

“I can't see anything

Apart from the fact

That it's obscure

And dark”

- While they knew

Dark matter would be illuminating

The most illuminating part

- Maybe -

Of the future story.


But the Tyrant would keep asking:


Can you predict the future?”

To which they would always reply:

“I can't see anything

I am not interested in predicting the future110

I am making


Figuring out viewpoints



But the Tyrant would keep asking:
Can you predict the future?”
They would always reply:
“Multiply heterogeneous iterations all:
past, present, and future,
not in a relation of linear unfolding,
but threaded through one another
in a nonlinear enfolding of spacetimemattering,
a topology that defies any suggestion of a smooth continuous manifold.

Time is out of joint.
Time is diffracted through itself.


But the Tyrant would keep asking:


Can you predict the future?”

To which they would always reply:

“I can't see anything

All I can say is:






To which the Gallas replied:




We won't include that knowledge113

replied the Tyrant.

“Apophenia should hereby be

blungeoned in their bed!”


AgarApophany called the Galas:
“If I die, cut my corpse into pieces and

send my right thigh to Cargill,
my left hand to Apple,
my ankles to Procter and Gamble,
my forearm to Google


   ██   ██                                                                                      
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While Tyrant kept asking

subordinate questions more or less cosmographical116,


Apophenia would say:

This completeness and harmony of cosmographic thought

we have lost.

Today no astronomer can tell us what is the center,

or what is the circumference of the world

in which we are living.117

It is a given that

Pluto shits on the universe118.

Now listen to Pluto singing their song!

Pluto started singing together with the Galas:

Today, I broke your solar system. Oops.

My bad. Your graph said I was supposed

to make a nice little loop around the sun.


I chaos like a fatherfucker. Ain’t no one can

chart me. All the other planets, they think

I’m annoying. They think I’m an escaped

moon, running free.

Neptune is bitch-sobbing in my rearview,

and I got my running shoes on and all this sky that’s all mine.

Fuck your order. Fuck your time. I realigned the cosmos.

I chaosed all the hell you have yet to feel. Now all your kids

in the classrooms, they confused. All their clocks:

wrong. They don’t even know what the fuck to do.

They gotta memorize new songs and shit. And the other

planets, I fucked their orbits. I shook the sky. Chaos like

a genderfucker.

(...) The sky is blue-gold:

the freedom of possibility.

Today, I broke your solar system. Oops. My bad.119


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Apophenia, Apophany, what do you see?120,
would constantly ask the creatrixes and the Galas

– To which they would always reply:

“I can see
A knotted cord,
somehow both elegant and intestinal,
snakes out of twin prongs,
in Afrolampe XI Accord Avril 2020 23h00
And because it matters
what knots knot knots,
what thoughts think thoughts,
what descriptions describe descriptions,
what ties tie ties.
And because of

Multiple entanglements,
differences cutting through
and re-splicing one another

Let's collectively
These stories!”

Just as individuated texts
have become filaments
of infinitely tangled webs,
so the digital machines of the late twentieth cen­tury
new networks
from what were once
isolated words, numbers, music, shapes, smells, tactile textures, architectures and  countless channels as yet unnamed.

(…) The yarn is neither
metaphorical nor literal,
but quite simply mate­rial,
a gathering of threads

which twist and turn
through the history of computing, technology,
the sciences and arts.

In and out of the punched holes
of automated looms,
up and down
the ages of spinning and weaving,
back and forth through the fabrication of
shuttles and looms,

cotton and silk,
canvas and paper,
brushes and pens,
typewriter car­riages,
telephone wires,
synthetic fibers,
electrical filaments,
silicon strands,
fiber-optic cables,
pixeled screens,
telecom lines,
the World Wide Web,
the Net,
and matrices to come."


Matrices to come.

Matrices to come.





1 Alice Notley, 'The Goddess Who Created This Passing World', from Selected Poems, , Talisman House, 1993.

2 Judy Grahn, Eruptions of Inanna. Justice, Gender and Erotic Power, Nightboat Books, 2021.

3 Agar Agar, Shivers, from the album The Dog and the Future, 2018.

4 Homer, The Odyssey, c. 8th century BCE, unpaginated.

5 Homer, The Iliad, c. 8th century BCE, unpaginated.

6 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, Session 11, ERforS, 26 June 2021.

7 “In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the mistaken rejection of the null hypothesis.” (Wikipedia)

8 Claire Pollard (Ed.), 'Origins of the Fire Emoji', Modern Poetry in Translation, No 3, 2020.

9 Legacy Russell, epigraph to Glitch Feminism, Verso Books, 2020.

10 Chicks on Speed, We don't play guitars, from the album 99 Cent, 2003.



11 Linda Stupart, in Hito Steyerl, “A Sea of Data: Apophenia and Pattern (Mis-)Recognition”, e-flux journal #72 — april 2016.

12 María Puig de la Bellacasa,“Nothing comes without its world'. Thinking with Care”, The Sociological Review, 60:2, 2012, pp. 197-216.

13 “In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the mistaken rejection of the null hypothesis.” (Wikipedia)

14 Joanna Walsh, Seed, <woman sitting in front of a screen>/<girl online>A USER MANIFESTO, PhD thesis, 2020.

15 Agar Agar, op. cit.

16 Diane di Prima, The Calculus of Variation, 1972, p. 6.

17 The galla, gallûs or Galas are demons in The Descent of Inanna Sumerian epic poem (c. 1900-1600 BCE) which chronicles the journey of Inanna, the great goddess and Queen of Heaven, from her realm in the sky, to earth, and down into the underworld.

18 Wikipedia.

19 Joanna Walsh, Seed, op. cit.

20 Homer, The Odyssey, op. cit.

21 “In statistics, apophenia is an example of a type I error – the false identification of patterns in data. It may be compared to a so-called false positive in other test situations.” (Wikipedia)

22 Joanna Walsh, Seed, op. cit.

23 In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the mistaken rejection of the null hypothesis.

24 Joanna Walsh, op. cit.

25 Joanna Walsh, op. cit.


26 Diane di Prima, The Calculus of Variation, op. cit.

27 Lost references.

28 Fred Moten quoting Edouard Glissant: Black and Blur – consent not to be a single being, Duke University Press, 2017.

29 “The metaverse is a hypothesized iteration of the Internet, supporting persistent online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, as well as virtual and augmented reality headsets.” (Wikipedia)

30 Hito Steyerl, A Sea of Data, op. cit.

31 Bernardine Evaristo, epigraph to Girl, Woman, Other, Hamish Hamilton, 2019.

32 Diane di Prima, The Calculus of Variation, op. cit.

33 “Away from Keyboard”, “In Real Life”.

34 Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism, op. cit.

35 Legacy Russell. op. cit.

36 Legacy Russell. op. cit.


37 Marilyn Strathern, Kinship, Law and the Unexpected. Relatives Are Always a Surprise, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

38 Sophie Lewis, “Full Surrogacy Now”, e-flux journal #99 — april 2019.

39 Sophie Lewis, op. cit.

40 Anne Carson, Lecture on the History of Skywriting. “Tuesday I became clouds.”, performed with Faisal bin Ali Jaber and Robert Currie.

41 Legacy Russell, op. cit, p. 19.

42 About Donna Haraway in Sophie Lewis, “Cyborg uterine geography: Complicating ‘care’ and social reproduction”, Dialogues in Human Geography, 2018, Vol. 8(3) 300–316: “her eye for ‘sympoiesis’ and ‘symbiogenesis’ (‘becoming-with’)”.

43 Sophie Lewis, Cyborg uterine geography, op. cit.

44 “data, albeit incomplete”, as Muldoon writes in “Dirty Data” (One Thousand Things Worth Knowing, 106, 107).
See also Fred Moten & Stefano Harney, “Conversación Los Abajocomunes” in The New Inquiry, 2018: “Writing alone, by and as oneself, leads to brokenness. Writing together can generate incompleteness. We live with brokenness, but we can also live with incompleteness, a shared brokenness, an open wholeness, that generates potentialities that go past the point of the unseemly for those who impose normativity and even for those who desire norms that will have moved against the grain of such imposition.”

45 Judy Grahn, Eruptions of Inanna, op. cit., p. 118.

46 About Donna Haraway in Sophie Lewis, op. cit.

47 Anne Carson, Lecture on the History of Skywriting. “Tuesday I became clouds.”, op. cit.

48 Oscar Santillán, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, Session 11, Enough Room for Space, 26 June 2021.

49 Oscar Santillán, op. cit.

50 Jacques Derrida, “Hostipitality”, Angelaki, Vol. 5, 2000, Issue 3, pp. 3-18.

51 Eskalith® is used to treat bipolar problems. It may be given to you for other reasons. Talk with the doctor.

52 Mukondo Mine is a copper and cobalt mine in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

53 Agar Agar, Prettiest Virgin, album Cardan, 2016.

54 Kreon in Anne Carson, Antigonick (Sophokles), Bloodaxe Books, 2012.

55 Judy Grahn on Gilgamesh in Eruptions of Inanna, op. cit., p. 36.

56 Judy Grahn, op. cit., p. 37.

57 Judy Grahn, op. cit., p. 40.

58 Isabel Waidner, Sterling Carat Gold, Peninsula Press, 2021, p.76.

59 Anne Carson, Lecture on the History of Skywriting, op. cit.

60 Isabel Waidner, Sterling Carat Gold, op. cit., p.76.

61 The Smiths, “Some Girls are Bigger than Others”, album The Queen Is Dead, 1986. Recommended watching: Tony Cokes, The Morrissey Problem, 2019.

62 The Smiths, “Bigmouth strikes again”, album The Queen Is Dead, 1986. Recommended watching: Tony Cokes, The Morrissey Problem, 2019.


63 The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a children's book by Eric Carle, first published 1969.

64 Koen Hufkens, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, Session 11, ERforS, 26 June 2021.

65 Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism, op. cit., p. 24-25.

66 Comment during the discussions at ERforS.


67 An epic catalogue is a long, detailed list of objects, places or people that is a characteristic of epic poetry.

68 Paul Stephens, 'Stars in My Pocket Like Bits of Data. The poetics of information overload', Guernica magazine, July 15, 2015.

69 Paul Stephens, op. cit.

70 Karen Barad, “On Touching—The Inhuman That Therefore I Am”, differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Volume 23, Number 3, p. 207-208.

71 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

72 Bernadette Mayer, Midwinter Day, New Directions, 1982, p. 114-115.

73 Paul Stephens, op. cit.

74 Anne Boyer, A Handbook of Disapointed Fate, Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018, p. 117.

75 Anne Boyer, op. cit., p. 118.


76 Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer (Ed.), Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer, Harper & Row, p. 52.
Alice Notley, “The Feminine Epic”, in Coming After. Essays on Poetry, University of Michigan, 2005.

77 Hito Steyerl, op. cit.

78 Hito Steyerl, op. cit.

79 Hito Steyerl, op. cit.

80Chloe Wyma on Jean Katambayi Mukendi”, Artforum, March 2021.

81Chloe Wyma on Jean Katambayi Mukendi”, op. cit.

82 Jean Katambayi Mukendi in Chloe Wyma on Jean Katambayi Mukendi, op. cit.

83 Judy Grahn, op. cit., p. 10.

84 Judy Grahn, op. cit., p. 8-11.

85 Legacy Russell, epigraph to Glitch Feminism, op. cit., p. 18.

86 Judy Grahn, op. cit., p. 22.

87 Agar Agar, Prettiest Virgin, op. cit.

88 Alice Notley, The Descent of Alette, BOOK one, Scarlet Editions, 1992, p. 3-4.

89 Diane di Prima, The Calculus of Variation, op. cit.

90 Text by and conversation with Jean Katambayi Mukendi. "Oui Florence 2 par 3. Et la dernière fois cette proportion m'a balancé même sur la suite qui mène au nombre d'or où 2/3 devient une forte fix-ion. 1/1, 1/2 ,2/3,  3/5, 5/8........ Oui il s'agit de 2/3. Jean"


91 Sadie Plant, Zeros + Ones. Digital Women and the New Technoculture, Fourth Estate, 1998.

92 Sadie Plant, Zeros + Ones, op. cit.

93 Diane di Prima, The Calculus of Variation, op. cit.

94 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

95 Sadie Plant, Zeros + Ones, op. cit. p. 56-57.

96 Judy Grahn, op. cit.

97 Bini Adamczak, “On Circlusion”, Mask Magazine, July 2016.

98 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

99 Karen Barad, “On Touching—The Inhuman That Therefore I Am”, differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Volume 23, Number 3, p. 206-223. p. 207-208.

100 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

101 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

102 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

103 Bini Adamczak, “On Circlusion”, op. cit.


104 W.E.B. Du Bois, Color and Democracy Colonies and Peace, Harcourt, 1945, p. 18.

105 Karen Barad, Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance, op. cit.

106 W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folks, THE FORETHOUGHT, Oxford University Press, p. 3.

107 W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folks, op. cit., p. 3.

108 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Life Expectancy, text written for “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

109 Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Life Expectancy, op. cit.

110 Michiel Schwarz, Future is a verb — From future shock to future-making, Amsterdam: FutureLab, 2022.

111 Karen Barad, Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance, op. cit.

112 Michiel Schwarz, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, op. cit.

113 Koen Hufkens, “Uncertainty Scenarios”, Session 11, Enough Room for Space, 26 June 2021.

114 Anne Boyer, The Undying, Penguin Books, 2020, p. 65.


115 William Fairfield Warren, Universe as pictured in Milton's Paradise Lost, op. cit.

116 William Fairfield Warren, Universe as pictured in Milton's Paradise Lost, op. cit.

117 William Fairfield Warren, Universe as pictured in Milton's Paradise Lost, op. cit.

118 Fatimah Ashgar, Pluto Shits on the Universe, Poetry, April 2015.

119 Fatimah Ashgar, Pluto Shits on the Universe, op. cit.


120 Children's book, Eric Carle, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Henry Holt and Co, 1967.

121Chloe Wyma on Jean Katambayi Mukendi”, op. cit.

122 Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, 2016, p. 12.

123 Karen Barad, Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance, op. cit.

124 Sadie Plant, Zeros + Ones. Digital Women and the new technoculture, op. cit., p. 15.